201. What can lawyers teach tech founders? May 01, 2024

Today, less than 10% of Fortune 500 companies are considered to be tech companies.

We are still at the beginning of the tech opportunity.

You don’t have to be a technologist to benefit from this rising tide.

If you work in professional services and wondering which client niche to...

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200. Five lessons from building Tech for Non-Techies Apr 24, 2024

Five years ago, I was selling tickets to my classes for $20 on Eventbrite, and today, my company works with governments, corporates and successful leaders around the world.

I have taught my course at London Business School, Oxford and Techstars and written for the Harvard Business Review.

On this...

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199. How to become a Digital Leader Apr 17, 2024

In this episode, you will learn what leadership means in the Digital Age, and 3 things you can do to become a Digital Leader today.

Listen to learn:

  • Why being a leader isn't just being a visionary
  • What it means to lead in the Digital Age
  • How to learn about the frontier trends in your...
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198. What Business Leaders need to know about cybersecurity risk Apr 10, 2024

Cybersecurity risk is a business risk. If there is a data leak, customers and investors aren't going to be happy.

But, as more and more of our services are online, cybersecurity problems are now just part of business life.

In this episode, you will hear a pragmatic approach for how to think...

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197. Six ways to innovate Apr 03, 2024

While most of us agree that innovation is a “good thing,” we don’t actually agree on what it is, or how to do it. 

Listen to this episode to understand what innovation really is, and why you're already an effective innovator.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • The two...
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196. Why ALL businesses depend on open source software Mar 27, 2024

Did you know that 90% of the internet depends on free licenses from open source software?

But what happens when those licenses stop being free?

Listen to this episode to find out.

You will learn from Paula Paul, Founder and Distinguished Engineer at Greyshore, who also serves also serves on...

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195. Intrapreneurship vs Entrepreneurship Mar 20, 2024

Today, start-ups are seen as the hotbed of innovation and corporates are dismissed as laggards.

But, when large companies innovate successfully, they have a huge impact. They have the resources and the built-in customer base to scale quickly.

In this episode you will learn how corporate...

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194. Lessons from the Post Office scandal Mar 13, 2024

The Post Office scandal led to 900 wrongful convictions and four suicides.

It is now known as the worst miscarriage of justice in British history.

It happened because Post Office leadership did not know how to deal with glitchy software.

In this episode, you’ll learn how not to repeat...

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193. Get tech clients! Introduction to tech for lawyers Mar 06, 2024

If you want to work with tech clients and venture capitalists, you need to know how they think.

This is how you become a great strategic advisor

If that’s what you want to be, this podcast episode is for you.

Listen to learn:

  • The core difference between the lawyer and the...
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192. How this fund manager digitised himself Feb 28, 2024

There are plenty of articles about digital transformation.

But big change can only be successful if the individuals in the organisation are also enthusiastic and knowledgeable about it.

Structural change without individual change does not work.

In this episode, you will learn how asset...

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191. How generative AI is changing the legal industry Feb 21, 2024

Large Language Models and Generative AI are going to have the biggest impact on word heavy industries.

This means that the legal industry is on the brink of major changes. This will affect how lawyers work, what clients expect and the future profits of the industry.

In this episode, you...

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190. Competing in the Age of AI Feb 14, 2024

Hype about generative AI is everywhere, but much simpler AI models have already changed entire industries. 

By learning about how AI has already changed business, we can make predictions about what's next.

In this episode you will learn key lessons from Competing in the Age of AI: Strategy...

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