218. Why Uber uses Google maps: introduction to APIs (encore) Sep 04, 2024

Every time you see Login with Facebook or Pay with Paypal on an app, you’re seeing a tech tool called an API.

This tool allows companies to make millions of dollars, reach billions of people, and collect valuable data, if you use it strategically.

Listen to this episode to learn what APIs...

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205. What the No Code Revolution is and why it matters May 29, 2024


No code tools have opened opportunities up for innovators, and especially for non-technical founders.

But, they have their limits, and not everybody thinks that they’re a great idea.

Listen to this episode to learn what the No Code revolution is and when No code tools are a must...

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198. What Business Leaders need to know about cybersecurity risk Apr 10, 2024

Cybersecurity risk is a business risk. If there is a data leak, customers and investors aren't going to be happy.

But, as more and more of our services are online, cybersecurity problems are now just part of business life.

In this episode, you will hear a pragmatic approach for how to think...

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196. Why ALL businesses depend on open source software Mar 27, 2024

Did you know that 90% of the internet depends on free licenses from open source software?

But what happens when those licenses stop being free?

Listen to this episode to find out.

You will learn from Paula Paul, Founder and Distinguished Engineer at Greyshore, who also serves also serves on...

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190. Competing in the Age of AI Feb 14, 2024

Hype about generative AI is everywhere, but much simpler AI models have already changed entire industries. 

By learning about how AI has already changed business, we can make predictions about what's next.

In this episode you will learn key lessons from Competing in the Age of AI: Strategy...

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184. What AI will disrupt in 2024 and how to get ready Jan 03, 2024

We are still at the beginning of the AI revolution, but in 2024 some of the world's oldest and richest industries are going to get disrupted by it. 

Listen to this episode to learn:

  • The difference between Generative AI vs Large Language Models
  • Why generative AI could get you...
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176. How community management helps tech companies win Nov 08, 2023

In just the first half of 2023, the Sweat with Kayla app recorded over $77 million in revenue. Without an engaged community, this success would not have been possible.

A well managed community can help a business grow revenue, attract new customers and create a product that users love.


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171. Deep tech investing vs standard venture capital Oct 04, 2023

ChatGPT has popularized deep tech, but most people don't really know what it is or how it differs from standard software innovation.

Don't be most people. 

This episode will demystify deep tech investing and show you why smart VCs never really take any technological risk (even in the most...

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169. The No. 1 Tech Concept for Business Leaders Sep 20, 2023

Traditional industries, like banking, FMCG, and real estate have a fundamental difference to tech companies. If you do not understand this difference, or under-estimate it, you will not be able to thrive in digital transformation or work with tech start-ups.

In this episode you will...

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166. Introduction to cookies, tracking & online privacy Aug 30, 2023

Is online tracking invasive? Or do cookies make our experience of the internet better?

To answer this question, you need to understand how online tracking works and who makes money from it.

In this episode, you'll learn from Keith Petri, CEO & Founder of Lockr, which helps consumers...

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165. AI hype vs lasting innovation with Jamie Cattell, Partner at IBM Aug 22, 2023

How is generative AI different from standard AI? How can you tell lasting innovation from the hype? 

Listen to this episode to find out. You will learn from Jamie Cattell, Global Managing Partner, Enterprise Strategy at IBM Consulting. Before joining IMB, Jamie was a partner at McKinsey...

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160. Data Science for business leaders with Prof JeAnna Abbott Jul 19, 2023

It's impossible to have a successful business career in the Digital Age without being data literate, says Prof JeAnna Abbott. This does not mean that you have to learn to code, but you do have to understand how to work with a data scientist and include analytics in your organisation.

In this...

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