155. How generative AI is changing business and the economy Jun 14, 2023

ChatGPT reached 100 million users in just 2 months after launch, and generative AI has already changed how many professionals do their jobs today. But, how has it already changed business and how will it impact the economy?

In this episode, you will hear from Professor Avi Goldfarb, co-author of...

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153. Social graph vs Interest graph: AI lessons from TikTok & Instagram May 31, 2023

Would you rather listen to a song by an artist you already love? Or an unknown artist and try something new? 

Most people want a combination of the familiar and the new.

In social media terms, this is the social graph vs the interest graph. The social graph refers to content from your...

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150. What all innovators can learn from the massive gaming industry May 10, 2023

The online gaming market is HUGE. Revenue in the online games market is projected to reach US $26.1 billion in 2023. Games developers have also had to solve some of the toughest problems in tech.

And yet, the gaming sector does not receive as much attention in the press as other sectors like...

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145. Why AI makes us boring + what to do about it Apr 05, 2023

Humans invent technology and then technology changes humans. It was ever thus.

The biggest technological trend today is artificial intelligence. if you want to be an insightful leader in the Digital Age, you do need to understand what AI is doing to us, so you can reap the benefits and minimize...

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130. Lessons for Digital Leaders from the London Stock Exchange - Microsoft deal Dec 21, 2022

This December, Microsoft (founded in 1975) took a 4% stake in the London Stock Exchange (founded in 1698). As part of this deal, the LSE will spend at least $2.8 billion on Microsoft’s cloud related services in the next 10 years.

Big Tech and finance have been getting closer and closer in...

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128. Business reality doesnโ€™t match AI hype (yet) Dec 07, 2022

There is plenty of hype about AI, but most organisations are still using old precesses to make decisions.

We are  in the Between Times: "after AI's clear promise and before its transformational impact," as described in the book Power and Prediction: the disruptive...

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122. What's a Digital Mindset & how do you get one? Oct 26, 2022

To be digitally savvy, follow the 30% rule – this is the minimum threshold that gives us just enough digital literacy to thrive in the tech age, says Professor Paul Leonardi.

  • “To have digital transformation in your company, you don’t need to know how to code, but you need to...
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114. What is Deep Tech? Aug 31, 2022

Companies like Deep Mind fascinate investors and innovators, but what is a deep tech company really and how does it differ from other types of tech firms? Listen to this episode to find out.

Learning notes from this episode:

  • Deep Tech is a sub-sector of the technology sector where the...
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108. How to work with a data scientist Jul 20, 2022

Some problems that annoy you daily could be solved by AI, but most business teams don't know that because they’ve never discussed them with a technologist. Listen to this episode with Dr Catherine Breslin, a machine learning scientist with a PhD from Cambridge, to learn how to...

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103. How I got into deep tech investing (with Colin Beirne, Two Sigma Ventures) Jun 15, 2022

“There are things that are much more important about investing in technology companies than technology,” says Colin Beirne, Founder of Two Sigma Ventures. TSV has invested in around 100 start-ups over the last 10 years, and funded 10 unicorns. They’re part of Two Sigma, a hedge...

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102. When AI goes wrong - Zillow case study Jun 08, 2022

Real estate marketplace Zillow took $500 million in write downs and fired 25% of its workforce in late 2021, largely because a pricing algorithm made a mistake. Learn what went wrong and how to avoid it.

Learning notes from this episode:

  • Zillow started life as an online marketplace for...
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101. How companies really use AI Jun 01, 2022

AI is a great tool to help you make decisions, but it's often not sophisticated enough to make good decisions by itself. This is why companies often rely on AI to do most of the task, but leave the final decision to humans. 

  • Most tech initiatives fit into one of these three buckets:
    • Reach...
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