140. Three lessons for innovators from Running Lean Mar 01, 2023

Most products brought to market fail. Tech Entrepreneur Ash Maurya says this is "not because we can't complete what we set out to build, but because we waste time, money, and effort building the wrong product."

Maurya is the author of Running Lean: Iterate from Plan A to a Plan that works, and...

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131. Three shows to watch to learn about tech Dec 28, 2022

If you’re feeling guilty about switching on yet another streaming series, here are three shows you can watch to learn about tech in your downtime:

  1. General Magic - tells the tale of how a great vision and an epic failure changed the lives of billions. It is a documentary about the people...
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129. To become a Digital Leader, join start-up advisory boards Dec 13, 2022

Joining the advisory board of a promising tech start-up will teach you vital skills, build your network and transform your professional brand.

It is a great way to reshape your career, while still working in your current role.

Here is how to do it:

  1. Remember the difference between boards of...
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121. Five things you can do to Thrive in the Tech Age Oct 19, 2022

If you want to have a great career today, you simply have to Speak Tech. But, taking courses is not enough. You must combine learning with smart actions to make your investment pay off.

Here are five action steps you can take today to thrive in the Tech Age:

  1. Get involved with a tech start-up:
    • ...
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112. The three stages of start-up teams Aug 17, 2022

A tech start-up begins its life with a tiny team. The founders are either technical or tech savvy, but as the company scales its team has to change. 

Learn about the three stages of start-up team growth here.

Learning notes from this episode:

  • At stage 1, the start-up is...
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109. Do this to become a Digital Collaborator today Jul 27, 2022

To lead in the Digital Age, you need to become a Digital Collaborator. The best way to learn anything quickly is to put yourself in a situation where not doing it isn’t an option.

Listen to this episode to learn what you can do to start collaborating with tech teams and take your career to...

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104. Do things that don't scale Jun 22, 2022

"One of the most common types of advice we give at Y Combinator is to do things that don't scale," says Paul Graham, Y Combinator founder. Recruiting users manually and getting feedback is what lets you build a scalable product.

Learning notes from this episode:

  • "The most common unscalable...

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100. My story: ambition, tech and the camel incident May 25, 2022

Today, I’m doing something a bit different. As our smart community grows, I know that some of you might not know much about me, my story or how I got into this tech thing.

That’s why today, I’m sharing a little bit about me.

I’m sharing this with you so that you can see...

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97. How I built Make Love Not Porn - with Cindy Gallop May 04, 2022

Would you leave a high flying career in advertising to set up an adult content site? Most people wouldn't, but Cindy Gallop is not most people.

After leading one of the world's top advertising agencies, BBH in the United States. Cindy decided to try her hand at tech entrepreneurship....

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87. How to commercialise innovation Feb 23, 2022

Success in tech consists of two parts: making great products and using them to build a business. No matter how brilliant an app or algorithm is, if people do not want to pay for it, it is unlikely to live for long.

This is why all tech innovators need to learn the core skills of commercialising...

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85. "Don't be afraid of the tech," lessons from a non-technical founder Feb 09, 2022

Nasi Rwigema doesn't have a background in software, but that didn't stop him from building his tech platform: Umwuga, a social network for blue collar workers in South Africa. To his surprise, he found that figuring out what people want is much harder than learning about tech.

Nasi is one of...

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81. Technology is just another business tool. Don’t put it on a pedestal. Jan 12, 2022

It’s easy to put the tech sector on a pedestal, as we’re constantly bombarded with its power and profits. But “technology is just a tool to affect business outcomes,” says prop tech entrepreneur Sebastian Rivas.

Sebastian runs Andes STR, a which uses machine learning...

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