Innovate, but how?

Get theĀ practical pragmatist's guide to growth (in business & in life)Ā 

by Sophia Matveeva

supported by researchers from The University of Chicago

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  • Do you want to grow in your business & career?
  • Do you want to learn from top corporate innovators and founders?
  • Do you wonder what Heads of Innovation actually do?
  • Are you sceptical about "innovation theatre" and wonder if innovation efforts drive value?

What this book covers:

  • Six paths to innovation, as used by the world's leading companies
  • Questions to help you apply each strategy to your business & life
  • Case studies from top innovators
  • Four top reasons why innovation efforts can destroy value (and how to avoid this)
  • Ways to measure innovation success
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Corporate innovation efforts are full of buzzwords, and I wanted to be honest, I was sceptical. This is why I investigated what innovation leaders at the world's top companies actually do and how (or if) they drive results. 

With help from researchers from The University of Chicago, we spoke to top corporate innovators across sectors. I combined our findings with the insights I gained from interviewing leading founders and investors for the Tech for Non-Techies podcast, and working with my clients. 

In this e-book, you'll find what works and what doesn't, and how to identify the right path for you.

Since all companies are ran by people, we cannot separate business from life. This is why, this e-book takes you through top innovation strategies and helps you apply them to your business and your life.


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About the Author

Sophia Matveeva is the CEO & founder of Tech For Non-Techies, an education and executive coaching company. Sophia has contributed to the Harvard Business Review, Financial Times, The Guardian and Forbes on entrepreneurship and technology, and hosts the top-rated Tech for Non-Techies podcast.

Tech for Non-Techies teaches non-technical professionals how to Speak Tech and succeed in the Digital Age through corporate & individual training programs.

She has also guest lectured at the University of Chicago, London Business School, and Oxford University, and led the Blackstone x Techstars accelerator at the University of Texas. Sophia also sits on the Advisory Board of Riviter, a generative AI start-up.

She holds an MBA from Chicago Booth, and a BSc (Hons) in Politics from Bristol. She speaks English, Russian and French.

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